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    Tashi Mannox
    Vajrasattva hum embossed

    Vajrasattva hum embossed

    Featuring a large embossed syllable hūṃ, in the case the seed syllable Vajrasattva.

    The surrounding golden calligraphy is a verse from the purification practice of Vajrasattva, which guides the visualisation of how the hūṃ syllable is in the heart of Vajrasattva upon a moon and lotus, from which, on the recitation of the 100 syllable mantra, falls amrita purifying blessing of light.
    For this reason I have kept the main hūṃ syllable, background and mount pure white, and intentionally mixed a lighter shade of gold ink, to be delicate and magical.

    To protect the raised body the emboss from flattening, this piece is set in the depth of a surround mount, which has be skilfully cut to a decorative pointed top, reminiscent of traditional Tibetan shrine cupboard window frames.

    Created for a solo exhibition at Amankora, Bhutan.

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