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    Tibetan script tattoo design template of the mantra of lovingkindness: om mani padme hum
    Lotus Mandala Mani Mantra

    Lotus Mandala Mani Mantra

    This calligraphy artwork of the ‘six syllable’ maṇi mantra of compassion, oṃ ma ṇi pad me hūṃ are placed on each of a maṇḍala’s lotus petals.

    This Lotus design is composed according to the precise proportions of traditional mandala guidelines. Notably, the mantras starts at the bottom and organised clockwise: oṃ ma ṇi pad me hūṃ. At the very centre is the seed syllable hrīḥ of Avalokiteśvara.

    To an untrained eye, this configuration might appear incorrect. As the conditioned view of starting at the top causes the mantra to seem upside-down, as the crucial beginning of the mantra is at the bottom rather than at the expected top of the artwork.

    The reason for this is that the axis of orientation of the maṇḍala aligns with the solar trajectory, positioning the east at the base, oriented towards the observer, and the west at the apex. Therefore, as a mediation practice, we visualise ourselves as the deity at the centre of the mandala, with the gateway before us in the Eastern direction, and the direction of the West behind us. In the case of a separate mandala visualised in front of us, we face the Eastern direction. This means that, in our mind’s eye, to align with this other mandala, we would enter through the Eastern gate and then identify clockwise around to the South, West, and North. This positioning then dictates the direction and order in which mantra syllables are placed; always starting at the bottom nearest to oneself.

    As this is an empowering sacred mantra belonging to the Tibetan Buddhist principles, please place respectfully high on the body, and dispose of the tattoo template and all copies mindfully by burning

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