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    Tashi Mannox
    Impermanence contemplation

    Impermanence contemplation

    Originally created in 2006 as a study piece for the ‘Laughing in the Face of Death’ series of five skull paintings created over 2007.

    I had never considered this piece to be complete until I remembered a Tibetan phrase on impermanence, being one of the Four Contemplation, in order to turn the mind to Dharma.

    Ten years later in 2016 Tibetan calligraphy was applied to this piece rendered it publishable:

    All things are impermanent and without self’

    then followed by

    ‘The universe and everything that dwell within is impermanent – particularly the lives of beings  which as like the fragility of water-bubbles. The time of death is uncertain and when you die you will just become a corpse. Dharma will help you at this time, therefore practice diligently now’ this is then followed by ‘impermanence is subject to death’ and finished with ‘to live and die without regrets’.

    The piece is sealed again, marking the addition in 2016 with a small stamp of a dancing skeleton.

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