Dragon Thunder Awakens
The narration of this somewhat dramatic piece, illustrates a dragon bursting through clouds of ignorance, pushing fearlessly free of delusion.
Seen interweaving between bold brushed black ink, in contrast to a medley of pristine white clouds. Wispy texture rolls the direction of flight, while bright darts of lightning adds a flickering dimension to this multi layered inked complexity.
Clouds evocative of dragon forms and dragons form like clouds inseparable.
For Far Eastern philosophy – dragons in general are considered elemental, synonymous with the power and dynamic energy of thunder and lightning. The mightiest of mythical beasts, which bows to no other than Buddha.
Accompanying the dragon is an extract from a Praise to Manjushri, scribed in Tibetan Tsugtung script:
Like the thundering roar of a dragon, awakens us from the sleep of destructive emotions and frees us from the chains of karma.