Drollo hum
This syllable hūṃ༔ is created with a ‘free brush’ style of calligraphy, as there are no foundation construction lines to discipline the letter into safe order. It is as much about the flow and energy one applies – a dance of the brush across the paper.
The approach and application is also intended to embody the dynamic qualities of Dorje Drollo, to whom this seed syllable belongs. Regarded as a wrathful manifestation of Padmasambhava, who historically subdued and tamed demons and negativities of Tibet and the Himalayan Kingdoms, such as Bhutan.
In this case, the hūṃ syllable is suffixed with a ༔ ter-tseg གཏེར་ཚེག་ which marks hūṃ༔ as originating from Guru Rinpoche
Watch this free brush Shodo creation below.
= sound track With Special thanks to Gary Dyson of Azukx